The xinit program is used to start the X Window System server and a first client program on systems that are not using a display manager such as xdm or in environments that use multiple window systems. 0


Ensure that you have xinit installed first:

$ kiss b xinit
$ kiss i xinit

Create the required rc file as a regular user:

$ touch ~/.xinitrc

At this point, you can add content to your .xinitrc file. For example, if you wanted to start sowm windows manager, you could add the following:

$ echo "exec sowm" >> ~/.xinitrc

You should now be able to start your X server with startx:

$ startx

Start After Login

Add the following to the bottom of your ~/.profile file:

$ [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ "$(tty)" = /dev/tty1 ] && exec startx

If you would like to remain logged in when the X session ends, remove exec.