An independent Linux(R) distribution with a focus on simplicity and the concept of less is more.

Static Packaging System

The package format is entirely static. A series of plain-text files with fields separated by lines and spaces. Easily parseable via any programming language or with basic UNIX utilities.

Portable Package Manager

The package manager is written in less than 1000 lines of POSIX shell with a large emphasis on portability. The only requirements are a POSIX compliant environment, curl and git.

Bus Factor of Zero

The distribution is designed to be maintainable by a single person. There is no infrastructure and the entire distribution is merely a few Git repositories. The distribution’s upstream is entirely optional.

Less Software

There is no lock-in to specific software. The user has the ability to mix and match any shell, core utilities, init system, device manager and more. The alternatives system enables this down to file level.