The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) provides audio and MIDI functionality to the Linux operating system 0.


First verify that you have alsa-utils installed:

$ kiss b alsa-utils
$ kiss i alsa-utils

By default, ALSA routes audio to card β€œ0” and device β€œ0” (see /etc/asound.conf file), which may not be preferred. Luckily, we can change this behavior via local user configuration:

~/.asoundrc, simple example:

defaults.pcm!card 1
defaults.pcm.!device 7

In the example, the numeric device name is specified. When multiple sound cards are in use, the device numbers could be reordered across boots, such that using a descriptive device name is preferred.

You can then test your local sound card configuration with the command below:

$ speaker-test -c 2

Note: Replace the β€œ2” to match the number of channels in your sound card.

Tips and tricks